Fact Check: NO Evidence Sodamint Has Anti-Aging Properties -- It Is Used As An Antacid

Fact Check

  • by: Lead Stories Staff
Fact Check: NO Evidence Sodamint Has Anti-Aging Properties -- It Is Used As An Antacid Fact Check: NO Evidence Sodamint Has Anti-Aging Properties -- It Is Used As An Antacid Not Proven

Does sodamint have anti-aging properties? No, that's not true: Sodamint tabs, consisting of sodium bicarbonate, if recommended by a doctor, are primarily used to treat conditions such as indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, and, in general, an upset stomach. Their effect is well-documented for these medicinal purposes. However, there is no research evidence to support the claim that sodamint has anti-aging properties.

The claim appeared in a video, no longer available on the platform but archived here, originally published on TikTok on May 16, 2024. The caption (translated from Thai to English by Lead Stories staff) read:

Sodamint benefits for anti-aging properties

This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:

스크린샷 2567-05-23 06.55.56.png

(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Wed May 22 21:59:00 2024 UTC)

According to the claim in the TikTok video, sodamint (or sodium bicarbonate) can regulate blood pH and has anti-aging properties, suggesting that normal people can consume it on their own. However, sodamint should not be taken without a doctor's supervision (archived here) because it can have harmful effects on the body (archived here).

Sodamint, or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), (archived here) is the active ingredient in baking soda. It can treat indigestion, heartburn, and a sour and upset stomach. In mid-May 2024, a claim widely circulated on social media - here's an earlier example (archived here) - that consuming sodamint was beneficial for an anti-aging action because it helped regulate blood pH to an alkaline level, which is purported to have anti-aging properties. The claim was subsequently refuted by several doctors and pharmacists (archived here).

Dr. Surasak Kantchuvessiri, a nephrologist at the Ramathibodi Hospital (archived here) advised against purchasing sodamint without a doctor's supervision. He explained in the video, as translated by Lead Stories staff, that "while sodamint can be used to treat acidity, it requires a doctor's diagnosis and prescription. It is not recommended as a long-term treatment, and overuse of sodamint can lead to an excessively alkaline blood pH, which can be harmful," he added. Additionally, in people who are in good health, the body automatically regulates blood pH (archived here) through the lungs and kidneys.

No research has been found (archived here) to support the claim that sodamint can have anti-aging properties or that it could be a tailored therapy against anti-aging. In addition, a Google Scholar search by Lead Stories on the alleged anti-aging properties of NaHCO3, with specific keywords, (archived here) did not lead to any evidence that could corroborate the claim.

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